Coronavirus Community Support Fund success!

Funding from the Coronavirus Community Support Fund, distributed by The National Lottery Community Fund, means that we will be able to provide clear panel face masks to our local d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing community free of charge. Thanks to the Government for supporting our ‘Make It Clear!’ Campaign and making this possible.

Wiltshire and Dorset Deaf Association have been awarded Funding from the Coronavirus Community Support Fund to build on the success of it’s ‘Make It Clear!’ Campaign.

This funding will also provide us with the opportunity to distribute clear panel face masks to local businesses and service providers and deliver Deaf Awareness and Communication Skills workshops as part of our ‘Make It Clear!’ Campaign.

For too long, retail spaces have been inaccessible for people with hearing loss. Whether this has been through the use of background music, a lack of hearing loops, or be failing to provide their staff with deaf awareness training. These barriers should not exist. The Covid-19 pandemic has only added to these barriers, with face coverings, physical partitions and social distancing creating a more difficult experience. Deaf people are known to be more likely to have poor mental health. We want to ensure that deaf, deafened and hard of hearing people in Dorset and Wiltshire enjoy equal access, opportunity and have the same independence as hearing people in order to reduce the risk of negative social, health and economic impact as a result of Covid-19.

Face coverings must now be worn by retail, leisure and hospitality staff working in areas that are open to the public and where they’re likely to come into contact with a member of the public. This includes:

  • shops
  • supermarkets
  • bars
  • pubs
  • restaurants
  • cafes
  • banks
  • estate agents
  • post offices
  • public areas of hotels and hostels

Wearing a clear panel face mask goes a long way to help remove barriers to communication for your d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing customers. To request a ‘Make It Clear!’ Campaign Pack and complimentary supply of reusable clear panel face masks for your workplace please email Zoe at

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