We are VERY excited to announce that we have been granted almost £20,000 in National Lottery funding to support our ongoing work delivering creative workshops for d/Deaf British
Sign Language (BSL) users in Bournemouth and Dorchester.
Sessions will be led by professional artists from CoCreate with BSL communication support provided by DCS Ltd.
Monthly ‘Coffee and Craft Sessions’ at Bournemouth Deaf Club. Informal social sessions; open to all d/Deaf/BSL users.
Regular Art Sessions at Dorchester Arts Centre for a core group of d/Deaf/BSL users from across Dorset (all members of Dorset Deaf Activities Group – DDAG) who have a particular interest in; and need for; regular arts activities.
This project will offer social opportunities in an accessible; supportive environment, meaningful activity; build creative skills and encourage self-expression. This funding will also help Bournemouth Deaf Club to re-establish itself as a social hub for the d/Deaf community.
This project was made possible thanks to #NationalLottery players. To find out more email admin@wdda.co.uk or call/text 07793284109