Tailored BSL training packages for local organisations, businesses and workplaces

Learn BSL in the workplace

Would you like your staff to have a basic knowledge of sign language for meeting and greeting your customers, clients or service users?

WDDA offers bespoke BSL training packages for local organisations, businesses and workplaces. Our Bite Sized Introduction to BSL Communication Skills course can be tailored for your specific needs and delivered at your workplace, ensuring good uptake and minimising pressure on valuable staff time and resources.

Course Outline:
CIS Bite Sized Introduction to BSL Communication Skills

Workplace BSL Training Needs Questionnaire:
WDDA BSL in your workplace training needs assessment

Interested?  Simply complete and return our Workplace BSL Training Needs Questionnaire to admin@wdda.co.uk. With this information we will be able to suggest a course of suitable content, duration and cost.

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