WDDA launch NEW Baby & Child Signing Sessions!


Wiltshire and Dorset Deaf Association is pleased to introduce NEW Baby & Child Signing sessions in Dorchester AND Bournemouth!

The sessions are open to all ages, mums/dads/carers and pre school children particularly welcome.

Have fun learning some basic signs used at home and sign a simple song or two using British Signing Language (BSL) signs.

If you are interested in attending our FREE Taster Session in Dorchester on Monday 24 February please click on the link to register online.  http://www.123formbuilder.com/form-5247990/booking-form

If you are interested in attending our FREE Taster Session in Bournemouth on Thursday 27 February please click on the link to register online. http://www.123formbuilder.com/form-5259693/booking-form-bournemouth


If you would prefer to print off a registration form please contact admin@wdda.co.uk


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