Nuclear medicine is now Deaf-Friendly

Last month Wiltshire and Dorset Deaf Association Trustees, George and Donna, along with WDDA Tutor Lynn, had the pleasure of delivering a bespoke deaf awareness and communication tactics training day for the nuclear medicine team at Poole Hospital.  Feedback from the staff who participated in the training course that was tailored to meet the needs of their specific department within the hospital and its patients has been fantastic with staff describing the day as “engaging, interactive and exceedingly interesting”.

The department’s enthusiasm and commitment to making Nuclear Medicine deaf friendly is something to be applauded.  George was invited to visit the department, only a week or so after the training day, to give feedback on the practical changes put in to place within the department to help make it more deaf friendly and was impressed to learn that staff had already had the opportunity to put their newly learnt skills in to practise.


“The trainers managed to make it relevant to our clinical work, so if you need to know sign-language for ‘radioactive injection’ just ask one of our team.  The learning from this day has already helped us communicate not only with our patients, but also with our colleagues and family members who are hard of hearing. We thoroughly recommend that other teams take the time to learn these skills.”  – Kat Dixon, Head of Nuclear Medicine.  


Would you like your staff to have a basic knowledge of sign language for meeting and greeting your customers, clients or service users?

WDDA offers bespoke BSL training packages for local organisations, businesses and workplaces.  Our Bite Sized Introduction to BSL Communication Skills course can be tailored for your specific needs and delivered at your workplace, ensuring good uptake and minimising pressure on valuable staff time and resources.  Upon completion of your training, you will be presented with a certificate to display so you can show the Deaf community and the community at large that you care.  Your organisation/business will also be listed as a Deaf Friendly business on our website with a link to your website.

Course Outline:
CIS Bite Sized Introduction to BSL Communication Skills

Workplace BSL Training Needs Questionnaire:
WDDA BSL in your workplace training needs assessment

Interested?  Simply complete and return our Workplace BSL Training Needs Questionnaire to  With this information we will be able to suggest a course of suitable content, duration and cost.



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