‘Family Fun Day’ brings BSL to Boscombe Chine Gardens!

Sunday 23 June 2019 saw WDDA tutors, trustees and supporters take our ‘Sign for Change’ campaign out in to the community as we hosted our second family fun day in Boscombe Chine Gardens.   The aim of the event was to help bring hearing and Deaf children and families together and to help breakdown some of the barriers to communication by introducing families to BSL and I think it’s safe to say that we did just that!  Our very own award winning Signature Sign Choir took centre stage performing a repertoire of songs, entertaining the crowds and engaging passers by and members of our Junior Sign Choir made a real impact with their first ever public performance.  We had face painting, arts and crafts, a bric a brac stall, a Teddy Tombola, a fabulously entertaining magic show performed by local magician Andy Walker and a whole lot of cake (thank you to those who kindly donated homemade cakes on the day).

We are currently fundraising to support our work teaching Deaf parents of young pupils to deliver to Deaf Awareness & Communication training to local Nursery and Primary Schools in Dorset.  Thanks to all who joined us on Sunday and kindly donated, helping us to raise £184.11  Our target is £5,000 – over the course of the past 12 months we have raised a whopping £2,976.26 with grants from AFCB Cherries Community Fund & South West Foundation,  donations from Asda Green Token Charity Scheme, BH Coastal Lottery and PayPal Giving Fund and through our own fundraising events and the generosity of our supporters.  THANK YOU!

Thank you to: Signature Sign Choir, WDDA Junior Sign Choir, Andy the Magician,  Kate from Rainbow Face Painting and Body Art, Bournemouth Deaf Club, Friends of Boscombe Chine Gardens and all the WDDA trustees, tutors and supporters for donating their time and energy to support the event and an extra special thank you to all the children and families who came together to make the event such a success.


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