“Along with 11 million other deaf and hard of hearing people in the UK, I haven’t been able to understand a single word any person wearing a face mask is saying to me. It is just a noise. It doesn’t help if they shout, it then just becomes a loud noise, I can’t make out the words. These masks that allow me to see their lips are just brilliant. I can understand every word! A real Godsend!”
– George Raggett, WDDA Trustee and Tutor

We launched our ‘Make It Clear!’ Campaign on 1st July 2020 with the aim of helping to prevent further barriers to communication for the d/Deaf and hard of hearing community in our local area during the coronavirus crisis.
How you can get involved:
• Thanks to the support of The National Lottery Fund, Dorset Community Foundation and Tesco Bags of Help WDDA is able to provide the local community with FREE reusable clear face panel masks to help raise awareness of the communication issues caused by the wearing of face masks. Share photos of you wearing your clear face panel mask on your Social Media channels using the #makeitclear hashtag and remember to tag Wiltshire and Dorset Deaf Association.
• Become a distribution point for our Communication Cards. The purpose of the wallet-sized cards is to help identify patients/service users immediately as deaf and that there is a need for communications support. The card also includes details of local BSL interpreter services and a 24 hour contact number so that healthcare providers/service providers know how to book a BSL interpreter. Our Hard of Hearing Communication Cards offer a clear and concise list of prompts to help aid communication.
• Would you like your staff to have a basic knowledge of sign language for meeting and greeting your customers, clients or service users?
We are offering FREE online deaf awareness and BSL training packages for local organisations, businesses and workplaces. Upon completion of your training, you will be presented with a certificate to display so you can show the d/Deaf and HoH community and the community at large that you care. Get in touch for more information.
• Donate via our JustGiving page https://www.justgiving.com/wdda