WDDA celebrates after receiving £20k of National Lottery funding to deliver creative workshops for d/Deaf BSL users!
We are VERY excited to announce that we have been granted almost £20,000 in National Lottery funding to support our ongoing work delivering creative workshops for d/Deaf BritishSign Language (BSL) users in Bournemouth and Dorchester. Sessions will be led by professional artists from CoCreate with BSL communication support provided by...

Social Coffee Morning & Special Lunch to mark Deaf Awareness Week 2024
Join Wiltshire and Dorset Deaf Association for a social coffee morning & special lunch to mark Deaf Awareness Week 2024 at Bournemouth Deaf Club on Friday 10th May 2024. This event is open to anyone in the d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing community.No need to book. Drop into Bournemouth Deaf...
Halloween Coffee & Crafts
CoCreate are back with us for another Coffee & Crafts at Bournemouth Deaf Club on Friday 27th October 2023. 10am-1pm. This event is free to attend and open to anyone in the d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing community. BSL communication and all materials provided. Come together in a welcoming space...